How to customize voting feature in BBP Core? Estimated reading: 1 minute 67 views Contributors You can customize voting feature settings from BBP Core Settings Voting BBP Core voting feature You can enable/disable voting feature completely, in that case, the code for voting feature will not be loaded. Voting Labels Under voting labels, there are several settings like – Voting option position, it may be either below the user or before the content. Show labels, e.g – Upvote, Downvote or do not show labels at all When to display vote numbers. For a better control, we have added voting disabling options, you can disable part of the features. For example – Disable Voting on Topics – This will turn voting off for Topics post type Disable Voting on Replies – This will turn off voting for replies post type. Disable Down Votes – This option hides the down voting feature and keeps only upvote active. We have created user controls for votes, some visibility conditions based on different criteria, here is a list of those – Disable voting for visitors who are not logged in Disable adding new votes after a topic is closed Don’t allow authors to vote on their own topic/reply Admin Voting Allow any administrator user to vote as much as they want? This feature restricts the user admins or provides permission to other admins for voting. Sort by Voting Scores This list of options is created for sorting and order depending on the number of votes. All the settings option here ar turned on by default. The options focus on ordering the replies and topics by the number of votes. BBP Core sort by voting score. Settings - Previous Customize private replies Next - Settings Customize Forums Admin UI