Navigate between Forums, Topics and Replies in Admin UI Estimated reading: 1 minute 63 views Contributors To navigate between forums and topics, go to BBP Core Forums . Then click on a forum to see its topics. BBP core Forums This view will show you the selected forum, and a list of open topics of the forum by default. You will see the title of each topic under the forum and the number of approved replies in brown color and the number of pending replies in gray color. Also, if the topic is not approved yet, i.e – the topic is still pending, you will see a checkbox beside the topic. Clicking the checkbox will make the topic approved in that forum. How to see only closed topics? To see the closed topics, i.e – to view exclusively the list of topics whose status has been set to close, simply click on the closed filter button. Closed topics BBP Core plugin. You can click on hidden topics, topics where there is no reply & All topics to see a list of those kinds of topics only. To change the forum, just click on a different forum, and a list of topics of that particular forum will show up. Getting Started with BBP Core - Previous Creating Forums